Local Colors May Vary (LCMV) was a curated slideshow combining fine-art photography and live improvised music.
The first edition, LCMV#1, was themed “Berlin” and featured 60 emerging and established international photographers. The slide show was accompanied by improvised live music by the German musician f.s.blumm, whose work WIRE magazine called “extremely impressive.”
The very well attended event took place at Das Gift in Berlin-Neukölln in conjunction with the annual art festival NACHTUNDNEBEL 2013 on Saturday, Nov 2nd 2013.
Even though the turnout was impressive and the people seemed to enjoy the event , we had to rethink the concept because it took us roughly three months to prepare it, communicate it, be in touch with the artists and curate the whole thing. It’s still a great memory and we still think the concept might work with stricter rules.